I am a very happy person who is interested in helping others, but it was in 2010 that this came about for me.
I spent a LOT of years in a major depression, hated my life, felt like I had no purpose, I was over weight & unhealthy.
What changed? I stumbled upon something that I thought was going to help me lose weight. I had no idea that my life was about to change for the better. WAY better.
I got my workout & definitely started seeing great changes in my body, which made me feel better about myself & that was awesome, but that's only a portion of why my life has changed.
Have you heard this one? "Some people stumble over the truth, pick themselves up, & go on their merry way as if nothing had happened at all." Well, I recognized what I stumbled over & jumped on! I discovered that there was a business opportunity available and after looking into it thought, "This fits more perfectly than I could have imagined, with what I've been wanting for my life."
I've always wanted some way to help others... serve my community, but something that would fit with me. I had just never found anything until I stumbled upon this opportunity.
What I liked about it was that I'd be doing something that would impact the lives of others in such a meaningful way, that would change the way people see themselves & the way they feel about themselves by helping them with their journey to a healthier, fit life, & that they could then turn around and Pay It Forward!
What an incredible way to start an exponential, chain-reaction of life-changing events in the lives of so many people! And with a ready-made support system of like-minded people with the same concerns & issues and types of goals. Just what I was looking for. Only I didn't know that before this discovery.
But that's not the whole of it either!
I spent a LOT of years in a major depression, hated my life, felt like I had no purpose, I was over weight & unhealthy.
What changed? I stumbled upon something that I thought was going to help me lose weight. I had no idea that my life was about to change for the better. WAY better.
I got my workout & definitely started seeing great changes in my body, which made me feel better about myself & that was awesome, but that's only a portion of why my life has changed.
Have you heard this one? "Some people stumble over the truth, pick themselves up, & go on their merry way as if nothing had happened at all." Well, I recognized what I stumbled over & jumped on! I discovered that there was a business opportunity available and after looking into it thought, "This fits more perfectly than I could have imagined, with what I've been wanting for my life."
I've always wanted some way to help others... serve my community, but something that would fit with me. I had just never found anything until I stumbled upon this opportunity.
What I liked about it was that I'd be doing something that would impact the lives of others in such a meaningful way, that would change the way people see themselves & the way they feel about themselves by helping them with their journey to a healthier, fit life, & that they could then turn around and Pay It Forward!
What an incredible way to start an exponential, chain-reaction of life-changing events in the lives of so many people! And with a ready-made support system of like-minded people with the same concerns & issues and types of goals. Just what I was looking for. Only I didn't know that before this discovery.
But that's not the whole of it either!
I didn't realize that there was going to be another component that was right up my alley. Personal-Development. I've always wanted to be the best 'me' I could be, in all aspects. And I've always known that in order to do so, & that if you expect to grow & go somewhere in life, you must be willing to, first, be honest with yourself. If you can't do that, be prepared to stay put & to keep getting what you've always got!
Various family members have been commenting on how much I've changed, & how much they love it. Well, me too! I love it too! I am a totally different person! My life has changed for the better & I like the person I am continuing to grow & develop into.
So, yes, I love what I do. I'm a Team Beachbody Coach. That sounds a bit more entailed than it actually is. Basically, it means that I'm a Team Beachbody customer who signed on to motivate & encourage other people in their health & fitness journey, & I also help other Coaches to do the same! So, my work involves different aspects of helping people, but I think one of the first places it all starts is in Personal-Development, (in this case, body AND mind). And that sometimes entails jumping, & developing your wings on the way down. Which, with me, is the case. I jumped & my wings are still developing! I've even caught myself some good updrafts!
Personal-Development is a must! Because for things to change, I must change! For things to get better, I must get better! Go ahead. Say it out loud. "For things to change I must change! For things to get better, I must get better!"
So what are you waiting for? Let's DO this!
Various family members have been commenting on how much I've changed, & how much they love it. Well, me too! I love it too! I am a totally different person! My life has changed for the better & I like the person I am continuing to grow & develop into.
So, yes, I love what I do. I'm a Team Beachbody Coach. That sounds a bit more entailed than it actually is. Basically, it means that I'm a Team Beachbody customer who signed on to motivate & encourage other people in their health & fitness journey, & I also help other Coaches to do the same! So, my work involves different aspects of helping people, but I think one of the first places it all starts is in Personal-Development, (in this case, body AND mind). And that sometimes entails jumping, & developing your wings on the way down. Which, with me, is the case. I jumped & my wings are still developing! I've even caught myself some good updrafts!
Personal-Development is a must! Because for things to change, I must change! For things to get better, I must get better! Go ahead. Say it out loud. "For things to change I must change! For things to get better, I must get better!"
So what are you waiting for? Let's DO this!
The Slight Edge is a great place to start!
Tony Horton is the creator of one the most popular home workouts, P90X.
For more information check out my site: http://TinaRandall.net
Also: http://teambeachbody.com/coach?referringRepId=51126
Recommended Reading:
If you think you don't have time for reading, think again. How much time do you spend watching TV or playing computer games or surfing the net?
All you need is the time it takes to read10 pages a day! You can handle that! Here’s your second reading list:
3) Go For No by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz (In the form of a short-ish story) Excellent! I've read it twice & will read it many more times!
In a world inundated with sales books on getting to yes, this book recommends just the opposite, focusing on how increasing your failure rate can greatly accelerate your movement toward ultimate success. Go for No! chronicles four days in the life of fictional character Eric Bratton, a call reluctant copier salesman who wakes up one morning to find himself in a strange house with no idea of how he got there. But this house doesn t belong to just anyone! It belongs to him... a wildly successful, ten years in the future version of the person he could become if he learns to overcome his self-limiting beliefs and overcome his fear of failure. Through the dialogue of the two main characters the authors have fashioned an entertaining story to present the key concepts essential to sales success. Readers learn... ...What it takes to outperform 92% of the world s salespeople ...That failing and failure are two very different things ... Why it s important to celebrate success and failure ... How to get past failures quickly and move on ...That the most empowering word in the world is not yes... it s NO! Written to be intentionally short and to the point, Go for No! is a quick, fun read with valuable lessons that can change the way you think, sell, and live!
4) Why Not You? by Valorie Burton (Christian based)
Whatever your career goals…
Whatever your financial objectives…
Whatever your personal dreams…
Whatever your financial objectives…
Whatever your personal dreams…
You Can Do It!
This action-oriented, step-by-step guide helps you build the authentic self-confidence that comes from knowing who you are, what you want–and equips you to go get it.
With motivational expert Valorie Burton as your personal coach and a 28-day plan, Why Not You? provides the tools you need to …
·gain the assurance needed to transform your thinking
·focus on who you are, not what you do
·give yourself permission to be imperfect
·stop competing and comparing
·eliminate your confidence stealers
·learn how to achieve success by being authentic
Packed with unforgettable examples, pointers, and sparkplugs for ideas that work uniquely for you, Why Not You? reveals the secrets to building authentic personal confidence from the inside-out. Whatever your goal or your starting point, Valorie Burton equips you with proven experience to take the next steps to advance your career, finances, and relationships.
This action-oriented, step-by-step guide helps you build the authentic self-confidence that comes from knowing who you are, what you want–and equips you to go get it.
With motivational expert Valorie Burton as your personal coach and a 28-day plan, Why Not You? provides the tools you need to …
·gain the assurance needed to transform your thinking
·focus on who you are, not what you do
·give yourself permission to be imperfect
·stop competing and comparing
·eliminate your confidence stealers
·learn how to achieve success by being authentic
Packed with unforgettable examples, pointers, and sparkplugs for ideas that work uniquely for you, Why Not You? reveals the secrets to building authentic personal confidence from the inside-out. Whatever your goal or your starting point, Valorie Burton equips you with proven experience to take the next steps to advance your career, finances, and relationships.
5) NO EXCUSES! The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy
You don’t need to have been born under a lucky star, or with incredible wealth, or with terrific contacts and connections, or even special skills...but what you do need to succeed in any of your life goals is self-discipline. Unfortunately, most people give in to the two worst enemies of success: they take the path of least resistance (in other words, they’re lazy) and/or they want immediate gratification: they don’t consider the long-term consequences of the actions they take today. No Excuses! shows you how you can achieve success in all three major areas of your life:
1. Your personal goals.
2. Your business and money goals.
3. Your overall happiness.
Each of the 21 chapters in this book shows you how to be more disciplined in one aspect of your life, with end-of-chapter exercises to help you apply the “no excuses” approach to your own life. With these guidelines, you can learn how to be more successful in everything you do—instead of wistfully envying others who you think are just “luckier” than you. A little self-discipline goes a long way...so stop making excuses and read this book!
1. Your personal goals.
2. Your business and money goals.
3. Your overall happiness.
Each of the 21 chapters in this book shows you how to be more disciplined in one aspect of your life, with end-of-chapter exercises to help you apply the “no excuses” approach to your own life. With these guidelines, you can learn how to be more successful in everything you do—instead of wistfully envying others who you think are just “luckier” than you. A little self-discipline goes a long way...so stop making excuses and read this book!
Inspirational stuff!! Be sure to keep on bloggin'!