Wednesday, June 22, 2011


We need to ask ourselves: Is garbage "food" SOOO delicious that it's worth 10 to 20 years less on earth? Is it worth feeling lethargic & drained? Is it "living" to be shortening our life-span for the "joy" of the taste? Healthy food is NOT boring or flavorless or ALL vegetables. I LOVE food! I eat healthy every day, and refuse to eat bland food. What I eat is delicious. Healthy food has been given a bad rap. Living a healthy, fit life is not a hobby. It's a necessity for a fulfilling life. 

God gave us these bodies. Why should we be caring for these bodies that God gave us? I'll say more on this below. 

We only regret our poor choices after we've had a heart attack or two, or developed Adult-Onset Diabetes, or other serious health issues. And after experiencing these, some STILL continue with their life-shortening life-style. Why? I think it may be a lack of insight and proper understanding and education on health & nutrition. I also think it's all the garbage that sits in our stores labeled as "food" or disguised as "health food"! 

We are killing ourselves slowly in this country. It's my understanding that we're the fattest country on the planet! 

Do we realize that by eating garbage we're teaching our children to eat garbage, and thus shortening their life-span? Did you know it's been calculated that our children, due to the current American diet, will live shorter lives than us! 

Remember being a child with endless energy? Being healthy returns you to that state. Our overweight children don't even get to enjoy that pleasure.
Let's go to the mirror & remove our shirt. See that? That is the result of what we put in our mouth. The bodies of your children will, or already do, reflect what goes into their mouths. Our bodies reflect what we eat. 

Let me take a different approach, if I may: God gave us these bodies. Is it okay to take such terrible care of them? Maybe. Perhaps He's more concerned with our hearts & serving one another, than He is with our bodily neglect. But wouldn't we be able to do so much more if we were healthy? Isn't the point of our life to point to Him? How much better can we do that when we feel great? How much LONGER can we do that when we take care of the body He gave us, and live 10 to 20 years longer? 

If we are feeding our bodies neglectfully, is that not focus on our own desires, rather than on serving Him? What I mean is, could we consider it to be neglectful of service to Him if we're damaging the vessel of service? If we know that our life is for service to Him, to one another, and yet we neglect our body so that it's not up to par for quality service, are we not putting Him in second place in our lives? 

This is a very different look at our priorities in regards to God than what we're used to, I know. But I believe it's an important one and I think it deserves prayerful, and very serious thought. I had never considered this before, but I'm making some drastic changes in my priorities right now. 

God has been up to something with me recently, and I suspect it is service related on the surface and something else that is much deeper (which I haven't discovered yet). But I do know, that I've been wearing the Tina glasses for far too long and God wants me to toss them and put on the Everything Is About God and Service to His Kingdom glasses. And I know that I am 100 times more able now that I'm getting healthier daily.
One final thought: I've been feeling that God put this Health & Fitness business in my life for a purpose. First I thought it was all about me... of course. I thought it was to get me healthy, even though I'd previously hated exercise, and I thought it was an opportunity to improve my finances while I helped other do the same. Wrong! 

I then thought He gave it to me as a Tool to serve Him by helping others to get healthy and fit, and that my health and financial improvement would be a bi-product. Still not quite right. 

I now believe that He gave it to me as a Tool to serve Him by helping others to get healthy and fit, so that they too can more fully serve Him. So that we may ALL more fully further His Kingdom. 

Either you think I'm nuts, or this is your Aha moment. But as I said; I believe it's an important point and I think it deserves prayerful, and very serious thought.

Want to serve others to the fullest?
I highly recommend this amazing little book that I read in one day. This applies to all aspects of your life.

Thank you to the amazing woman who brought this wonderful book into my hands!

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